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Contributing Repositories for Projects submission. Read the contribution guidelines mentioned in the repository.✌️


Quality over Quantity :)

IF you have any doubts regarding "How to merge your first PR" , checkout this video:

Note : Don't add small changes in README file. PRs will be labelled "invalid" & closed immediately . Please add unique Repos

You will be banned indefinetely from Hacktoberfest after two invalid PRs.

🙄 What to do ❓

  • Add favourite project that has significantly impacted to your journey to Open-Source.
  • It can be any of any length and can be any number of scripts, just add a folder with your projects name.

🧠 How to do ❓

  • Clone your forked repository to your pc ( git clone "url from clone option.)
  • Create a new branch for your modifications (ie. `git branch new-user` and check it out `git checkout new-user` and `git checkout -b new-user`)
  • Add your Project in the folder name `project`
  • Add your files (`git add -A`), commit (`git commit -m "added myself"`) and push (`git push origin new-user`)
  • Create a pull request

Detailed Info -

Give a ✨ if you find useful

Best of LUCK 🙌 for Hacktoberfest